
2011年8月3日—Mousescrollwheelworkswellwithforexampleelinksrunninginsidescreen,whichinturnsrunsinsidegnome-terminal,soitisindeedpossible ...,Occurswhenthemousewheelmoveswhilethecontrolhasfocus.,WizMouseallowsyoutoscrollthewindowunderthemousewithyourmousewheelevenifthethatwindowdoesn'thaveinputfocus.,Withfullscreenmagnification:Thewholescreenismagnified.YoucanzoominoroutandswitchtoLensmagnificat...

Can mouse wheel scrolling work in a Screen session?

2011年8月3日 — Mouse scroll wheel works well with for example elinks running inside screen, which in turns runs inside gnome-terminal, so it is indeed possible ...

Control.MouseWheel Event (System.Windows.Forms)

Occurs when the mouse wheel moves while the control has focus.

Download WizMouse

WizMouse allows you to scroll the window under the mouse with your mouse wheel even if the that window doesn't have input focus.

How do I turn my mouse Magnifier on and off?

With full screen magnification: The whole screen is magnified. You can zoom in or out and switch to Lens magnification mode. With ...

How to enable touchpad or mouse virtual scrolling ...

2017年2月21日 — How to enable touchpad or mouse virtual scrolling (Mouse wheel) on ThinkPad - Windows 10 · 1. Click or tap Settings to open the app. · 2. Click or ...

How to Scroll if Your Mouse has No Scroll Wheel

I've recently found myself using nothing but point devices with no scroll wheel: my Mogo Bluetooth Wireless Mouse, my 3M Renaissance Ergonomic Mouse, my Dell ...


2008年12月11日 — In screen, you must first enter scrollback mode (or copy mode) to be able to scroll around in the scrollback buffer: key combo Ctrl - a Esc ...

Roll Mouse Wheel to Scroll One Screen at A Time on ...

2024年1月3日 — Step 2: Under Roll the mouse wheel to scroll, click the bar where Multiple lines at a time is and select One screen at a time on the menu.